May 10, 2010

Mai Ling at our sister site Maple Leaf Life tipped us off to a Wallingford home that’s the Wall Street Journal’s “House of the Day” today. Click the image below to see a slideshow of the house at 4912 Wallingford Ave. N., with descriptions from the owners, who bought it only a year ago but

Wallingford house on 'Wall Street Journal'

May 10, 2010

Tucked under the stairs at the Wallingford Center is a new business where you can have professional portraits produced of your kids, your family, even your pets. Mud Puddle Club Photography has set up shop permanently after a stint Donna Murphy did last year at the Center–she was Santa’s official portraitist, and her husband, Steven,

New in Wallingford Center: Mud Puddle Club

May 9, 2010

Reader Katie wrote to tell us about her cat Felix, who escaped from Katie’s house on May 8: He’s a 7 year old black-and-white tuxedo cat named Felix. He’s very timid and shy with strangers and probably terrified. He has no tags because he’s an indoor cat. He ran away from my house at 41st

Have you seen Felix the cat?

May 9, 2010

John Stanford International School parent Lucie asked us to post this information about an open house Monday night about improvements to the school’s playground, which serves not just school students but is open to the rest of the community:

The parent led playground action team at John Stanford Elementary wanted to share news about our upcoming Open House, Mon May 10th 6-7:30PM in the school cafeteria. We will be sharing site plans, answering questions, accepting donations and celebrating a huge recent contribution from our after-school provider, LSA.

John Stanford School playground meeting

May 8, 2010

Reader Jolene sent us this, which she spied outside QFC this morning: Yep, Mother’s Day is tomorrow. Thanks for the pic, Jolene!

A visual reminder: Call your mother