June 8, 2010

A John Stanford International School parent sent along this urgent plea for funds to upgrade the playground, an amenity that is available to the whole community, not just the school. Partial funding has been provided by the City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, Latona School Associates, and the school’s PTSA, but more is needed very

JSIS playground needs $80K

June 8, 2010

About 70 people showed up Friday night for the Community Kitchens Northwest fundraiser that was held at the Wallingford Community Senior Center. They raised $1700 for the organization that promotes people getting together to “cook, learn and support one another in the name of saving money, having fun and promoting good health.” Wallingford Community Kitchen

Community Kitchens NW fundraiser a success

June 7, 2010

A quick crime alert for neighbors who live near the 4300 block of Densmore Ave. Homeowners there called police on June 4 to report that someone had broken into their garage, according to a police report.  Three tents and three backpacks containing camping items were taken.  The total loss was about $300.

Camping equipment stolen in garage burglary

June 7, 2010

Several Wallingford businesses and the Chamber of Commerce will take part in this year’s Family 4th at Lake Union.  You’ll recall the Independence Day celebration at Gas Works was almost scrapped this year due to lack of funding.  But nearly 300 businesses and individuals donated the funds so the show would go on. Below is a

Wallingford businesses play big part in Family 4th

June 7, 2010

On Saturday afternoon we had the radio tuned to KEXP, which has begun its summer pledge drive, when we were tickled to hear an exhortation from DJ El Toro for Wallingford to win the station’s Hood to Hood Challenge. We asked DJ El Toro about his shout-out to Wallingford. “I admit, I have a Wallingford

Can Wallingford win KEXP's challenge?