A John Stanford International School parent asked us to post this information about an open house Monday night about improvements to the school’s playground, which serves not just school students but is open to the rest of the community:
The parent led playground action team at John Stanford Elementary wanted to share news about our upcoming Open House, Mon May 10th 6-7:30PM in the school cafeteria. We will be sharing site plans, answering questions, accepting donations and celebrating a huge recent contribution from our after-school provider, LSA.
This grass roots effort has been working for two years to redesign and renovate the outdated playground at John Stanford. John Stanford has one of the smallest playgrounds in the district and there is no school district budget for improvements. This Summer we will be breaking ground on a new play space and need the Wallingford community’s support for this pocket park.
With a $15,000 grant from the City of Seattle, a donation of over $23,000 from the JSIS PTSA and a generous contribution of $25,000 from Latona School Associates construction can begin this summer. The southwest corner of the playground will transform with new retaining walls, seating and picnic benches, and preparation for a new “dynamic” climbing structure.
But, we need community help to raise $25,000 to purchase and install the new climbing structure.If you, your children or your neighbors look forward to using the playground in the next decade you’ll really enjoy knowing that you contributed to more play opportunities for kids. Donations will be accepted indefinitely, but please donate what you can by May 31st so that kids and the neighborhood can have new equipment installed by September! Let’s not miss this chance to make change that benefits our entire neighborhood!
Please send your tax-deductible donations to JSIS PTSA, 4057 5th Avenue N.E., Seattle, WA 98105. Make checks out to JSIS PTSA and write ‘PLAYGROUND’ on your check. All donations will be acknowledged on the JSIS website. For more information or to donate online please see the Playground Web Site at www.jsisweb.com/playground.
Attached is a photo of the new “unique” climbing structure. We are excited about this structure since it allows for more play opportunities for both younger and older elementary kids.