From our sister site, My Ballard.
The “polls” closed at 8 o’clock last night. The big story of the election is that voters have decided to get the state out of the liquor business. Here is a look at the early results (updated at 6:30 a.m.) from the Washington State Secretary of State:
Initiative Measure 1183 Concerning liquor: beer, wine, and spirits (hard liquor).
59.69% Yes
40.31% No
Initiative Measure 1125 Concerning state expenditures on transportation.
49.07% Yes
50.93% No
Initiative Measure 1163 Concerning long-term care workers and services for elderly and disabled people.
66.77% Yes
33.23% No
Senate Joint Resolution 8205 Concerning the length of time a voter must reside in Washington to vote for president and vice president.
71.45% Yes
28.55% No
Senate Joint Resolution 8206 Concerning the budget stabilization account maintained in the state treasury.
66.88% Yes
33.12% No
From King County Elections:
City of Seattle Proposition No. 1 Regular Tax Levy Including Families and Education
58.57% Yes
41.43% No
City of Seattle Transportation Benefit District Proposition No. 1 Increased Vehicle License Fee
39.55% Yes
60.45% No
Seattle City Council results can be found here.
Seattle School Board results can be found here.