October 24

Immerse Yourself in Spanish at New School in Wallingford



Vámonos Spanish Center, a new language school in Wallingford is having their first open house on November 2, 2-4pm.

Have you wondered if you could learn to speak another language? Do you want your child to be bi-lingual? Did you take a language back in the day but have no one to practice with? Vámonos Spanish Center is now in Walligford and ready to facilitate those ‘r’s’ to roll off your tongue.

VSC is a new language school that offers several different programs and resources for learning Spanish. Owner and teacher Amanda Reichert will instruct classes solely in Spanish utilizing the proven technique of immersion for listening comprehension skills. VSC will offer a variety of programs including:

  • Adult classes
  • After school supplemental program for middle schoolers
  • Daytime program for homeschooled middle schoolers
  • One-one-one tutoring and private lessons
  • Summer camps
  • Guided foreign travel

Señorita Amanda has been teaching since 2007, lived and has taught in Mexico and Spain, and has also traveled extensively to numerous Spanish speaking countries. She feels she has developed a unique program that combines culture and grammar in a way that makes learning Spanish fun and engaging.

Vámonos Spanish Center is located in Wallingford at 4504 Bagley Ave. N (behind the Sea Monster)

If you are interested in learning more? Visit www.vamonosspanish.com for more information.

About the author 


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