July 13

Wallingford Greenway meeting tonight



There’s a meeting this evening to discuss the proposed Wallingford Greenway.

From coordinator Cathy Tuttle:

The purpose of this evening’s meeting at Mosaic is twofold.
1) to make suggestions for metrics and specific design elements in the stretch of the Wallingford Greenway that is funded.
2) to begin to look at a more comprehensive Wallingford Greenway system as is being done in Ballard, U-District, NE Seattle and Beacon. I finally read Beacon Bikes circulation plan http://www.beaconwalksbikes.org/ and my big takeaway is the idea of “destination-based planning” to prioritize intersection and roadway improvements: Schools, parks & trails, Institutions (libraries & services), Urban centers, and other business/retail zones.

Tuttle included this online infrastructure guide (.pdf) with ideas for intersections and traffic calming approaches.

Tonight’s meeting is from 7 to 9 p.m. at Mosaic Coffeehouse (4401 Second Ave NE).

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