September 21

Dick's will expand to north of Wallingford



Dick’s will open its first drive-in burger-and-shake spot in 36 years somewhere to the north of its original location in Wallingford (at 111 NE 45th St.), our news partner The Seattle Times reports.

Dick’s Drive-In Restaurants will focus its search for a new restaurant location within a 20-mile area north of the original Dick’s in Wallingford, the company announced Monday.

The decision comes after an online poll asked customers whether a new restaurant should be north, south, or east of the Wallingford location. More than 53,000 people voted for a northern location, stealing 46 percent of the total votes, according to a news release from the company. More than 115,000 votes were cast.

“This is an historic time for our family’s small business,” says Jim Spady, the company’s vice president, in a news release. “The outpouring of support has been overwhelming and humbling.”

He said that if the new northern Dick’s is a success, the next two Dick’s would be in the South and East regions.

Spady hopes the new restaurant will be open by late 2011 or early 2012. It will be the first that’s been built in the last 36 years.

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