April 15

Business never better at Open Books



With local businesses suffering because of the economy and tax season, we were delighted to see that the shop Open Books: A Poem Emporium is thriving. The Seattle Times’ books editor Mary Ann Gwinn wrote up a piece recently about the Open Books, in which owners Christine Deavel and John Marshall say they’re “as shocked as anyone” that the store is celebrating its 15th year. They note that last year was their best year yet.

Gwinn writes:

When Open Books, one of two major poetry-only book stores in the country (the other is in Cambridge, Mass.), opened its doors, it stocked 4,500 volumes. Today, its inventory is twice that. Despite continuing upheaval and competition in the book business, it has survived.

Tourists make it a stop on their Seattle visit; UW writing professors send students its way. Though a few dedicated customers have passed away, others have taken their place, and the store has a national following.

Read the rest of the story here, then go celebrate National Poetry Month, finishing your taxes, or use some other excuse to add a little verse to your life.

About the author 


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