May 3

Wallingford Art Walk gets new look



Tomorrow, May 4, 6-9 p.m., is the first Wednesday Wallingford Art Walk. You may notice a couple of visible changes to the walk. Wallingford Art Walk chair Tara Shuttleworth sent information about the new look:

New Art Walk sandwich boards have been created! Members of the Wallingford community got together to create them. Bartender at The Seamonster Lounge on Tuesday Nights, Johnny Klug, cut down the plywood as well as put the hinges on the boards. Members of The Wallingford House painted the boards. And Page Eaton, graphic designer of the Wallingford Art Walk with all of her buddies spray painted the logo!

By next week The Wallingford Robot Mural will be complete. Thanks to donation by Wallingford’s very own Reed Painting, two local artists, Maggie Schneider and Siolo Thompson,were able create the mural. The Wallingford Robot will also promote the Art Walk with the day and time painted on the mural. Thank you from the Art Walk Board to all the people that participated in creating The Women of Wallingford calendar. The money raised from the calendar made it possible for us to buy the plywood and hinges!

Here’s the Wallingford Robot as of Monday afternoon:

See all the details for tomorrow’s walk on the Wallingford Art Walk website.

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  1. Unlike online lessons, live guitar lessons are in your face and allow you to communicate with your instructor. While online classes are convenient, studies have shown that many individuals will give up because lessons do not suit the student's learning style. With live lessons, students can request an instructor who is willing to teach the student at a pace they can keep up with.

  2. The guitar is a wonderful instrument. It covers a wide genre of music; from rock, blues, jazz, classical, etc. It is also relatively easy to learn to play. But as with any other skill, it requires a lot of patience and practice to work. The first thing one should do when taking beginner acoustic guitar lessons is to find out which hand he uses to play the guitar with. Most people assume that just because you are left or right handed, you will also play the guitar the same way. Since you use two hands, one for strumming and one for the fret board, it is important to know which hand is to be used for each purpose. The reason for this is a guitar's strings are usually aligned with the thickest string on top, gradually thinning down as it reaches the bottom. With this setup, the left hand is used to tap the frets, and the right hand is used for strumming. If you feel that your left hand is much suited to handle the strumming, and that the right hand for tapping notes, then the strings need to be attached the opposite way; starting with the thinnest string on top, and the thickest one at the bottom. A very famous guitarist who plays the guitar this way is Jimi Hendrix.

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