The sun came out strong Saturday afternoon as volunteers from the neighborhood continued to turn the intersection of 41st Street and Interlake Avenue North into a massive turtle mural.
Families worked side by side in adding paint to the chalk outlines made earlier today, after hours of sweeping, cleaning and pressure washing to make the street canvas as pristine as possible.
Painting will continue Sunday.
Kathy Eaton, (pictured above painting with her 4-and-half-year-old son Mason wearing a turtle on his shirt) has lived in a house on the corner of this intersection for 7 years with her firefighter husband, Mason and older son 7-year-old Cooper. She’s glad for the project that has connected so many of her neighbors, who also hope the mural slows motorists down.
“We see a lot of cars go speeding down this intersection,” she said. “I’ve seen some bikers hit.”
Rebecca Aldrich (left) & her mother, turtle artist Rachel Marcotte, a botanical and wildlife illustrator with a degree in design, share a light moment as they mark areas that need to be painted white
Wendy Sauer and younger daughter Halle fill in spaces between the lines with white paint
You guys Rock!! The Turtle is awesome!!!