March 6

Traffic impacts on Sand Point Way N.E. at N.E. Windermere Road for sewer pipe repair



Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) contractor crews will be repairing a sewer pipe at the intersection of Sand Point Way N.E. and N.E. Windermere Road.

Work is scheduled to begin Tuesday, March 6 and should take a day or less to complete. Construction at this site is weather dependent and may be rescheduled in the event of possible wet weather. Work hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Both roads will remain fully open during non-work hours and peak travel times.

When work is occurring, the southbound curbside lane of Sand Point Way N.E. will be closed near the work area and N.E. Windermere Road may have lane restrictions near the intersection with Sand Point Way N.E. Residents and commuters may experience traffic delays and parking restrictions. SPU contractor crews will provide access to businesses during construction.

Learn more about Seattle Public Utilities here.

Seattle Public Utilities provides essential services. We deliver pure mountain drinking water, recycling and composting that lead the nation, and sewer and drainage systems to protect our local waterways. These services safeguard your health and our shared environment, and help keep Seattle the best place to live.

About the author 

Sara W

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